
Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Takokak (Solanum tovum sw) plants of the tribe of eggplant (Solanaceae) fruits and seeds are used vegetables or spices. Plant small trees can grow up to 2 m or 5 m. This plant stems and seeds covered with spiked hair, oval leaves with a base such as heart with a blunt tip. Leaves 7-20 cm long and 4-18 cm wide, branching stems and more flowers, and fruit shaped like fruit buni (typical Indonesian fruit) are small and numerous.


Takokak widely grown in tropical, lowland 1600 above sea level, and usually grows wild in the bush or open forests. Chemical constituents of takokak is if raw fruit contains chemicals clorogenin, sisalogenon, torvogenin and vitamin A, if the dried fruit contains chemicals solasonin, if the leaves contain chemicals neoclorogenin, panicolugenin while roots contain a chemical jurubine. Efficacy of takokak is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from the negative effects of free radicals, anti-inflammatory, arthritis medications, dental pain medication and other diseases. Here is another takokak properties :

1. Hemorrhoids
Takokak leaves 30 grams, 10 grams of black meeting, 30 grams of god leaves boiled with 600 cc of water to boil until the remaining 300 cc, then filtered and drunk the water warm. Drink regularly 2 times a day.
2. Uric acid 
Takokak easy fruit to taste, 100 grams of pineapple, shrimp, small rebon, stir made ​​and eaten on a regular basis.
3. Influenza
Takokak 30 grams of fruit, 15 grams of ginger boiled with 400 cc of water to boiling until the remaining 200 cc. Then filtered drinking water regularly 2 times a day. 
4. Liver
60 grams takokak crushed and boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk regularly.
5. Bone loss
100 grams takokak, 100 soybean, tofu made ​​to taste then taste dishes and eaten.
6. Accelerate blood circulation
Takokak 30 grams of fruit, 20 grams of god leaves, boiled with 600 cc of water to boil until the remaining 300 cc of water and filtered, then taken regularly.
7. Heat in
30 grams root takokak, 30 grams of pumpkin water, 10 grams of garlic, boiled with 600 cc of water to boil until the remaining 300 cc of water and filtered. Add honey mixed with boiled water and drink 2 times a day regularly.
8. Lumbago
Takokak 30 grams, 30 grams of mustard roots sky, ginger 20 grams, 15 grams of ginger boiled with 800 cc of water to boil until the remaining 400 cc then filtered and drink 2 times a regular basis.
9. Chronic cough
10-15 grams of dried root boiled in 4 cups water to boiling and then filtered and drink 2 times a day.
10. Heart palpitations 
Takokak leaves 6 pieces plus 1/2 finger turmeric washed and finely ground, add 1/2 cup cooking water and 1 tablespoon of honey and then squeezed and filtered water 2 times a day.            

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The Universe is in the earth to save a lot of things we can use for the herbal health. Herbs are plants or plant a lot of usefulness to the health not only of the leaves, it could be the seeds, stems, fruits and roots.

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